About Moms Stitchetti

Hello! My name is Alexandra and I'm so glad you are here!

Moms Stitchetti was created in 2019 as a creative outlet for my crafting journey. My entire life, I never felt creative. Before I was crocheting full time, I worked as a technical writer for a healthcare company. I spent my time writing processes and analyzing data… and I LOVED IT. I get
excited over spreadsheets. I just figured I was analytical and that’s it.

My mother was an amazing artist. She could paint/draw, write music, and just all around was creative. I figured I didn’t get the creative gene and lived my life that way for 31 years. In 2020, my mom was diagnosed with leukemia and
passed away less than a month later. I fell into a deep, unrelenting depression. Life stood still. And then, something happened. I began making hats and ear warmers to keep my mind off of everything and to donate to people who lost their hair due to chemo. For the first time in my life, I felt a small creative spark.

By the end of 2020, I began making plushies. Nothing crazy, just a few here and there. It blew my mind that people could write these patterns- how is that even possible? A year later, I was the most depressed I’d ever been. The environment at my job had taken a turn and although I loved what I was doing, I was miserable. I decided to quit my job and take Moms Stitchetti to the next level. About a week after I quit my job, I sat down and played around with amigurumi shapes. I started writing down what I was doing and before I knew it, I had made a cow! Slowly over a month or so I made tweaks and adjustments and BOOM. I wrote my very first plushie pattern. My cow pattern opened up the creative side of my brain. The floodgates opened and I have spent every day crocheting and expanding on that pattern. It pulled me out of my depression enough to finally
begin healing.   

If you would have told me back in 2019 that i would be a full time crocheter, I would have laughed. But here I am, crocheting all day every day and LOVING it. I am so grateful for how far Moms Stitchetti has come, and for every single person that is along for the ride! Thank you so much for reading- I appreciate you more than words can say!

PS yes, Moms Stitchetti is a play on that Eminem song